Late Meeting & Early Meeting
I went to a 10:30 p.m. meeting last night -- doing the 90 in 90 thing and needed an extra meeting to make up for missing one on Wednesday -- it was a candlelight meeting in downtown Minneapolis. I felt a little antsy at first, but ended up chilling out and enjoying the darkness. The topic was spirituality; I talked about the miracle I experienced earlier this week with 9th step amends and seeing an old friend at Best Buy.
This morning, I went to an early meeting at my favorite St. Paul spot. We read the story of Bill D. (AA #3). I saw an old AA friend and made tentative plans to take my sweet puppy (the 2 y.o. male) to her house to meet her kids. After the meeting, I met with my temporary sponsor and had coffee. She's really cool; we have a lot in common. She suggested mentioning to my med doc -- I'm meeting with a new one on Thursday -- getting tested for ADD. I'm not convinced, but she said some stuff that I agree with.
6 thoughts:
I really enjoy candlelight meetings. They are my favorite.
I just had a mad flashback. I haven't been to a candlelight meeting since the early '90s. I love those meetings!
Hey there! It's Chris from my biggest battle! Thanks for stopping by! Been extremely busy booking bands/ent for my work and organizing shows. Getting ready to go back to school. I'm happy to say I haven't had a drink since July 6th my birthday! I'm going to AA and well life gets tough but I learned the truth! And well no matter what not drinking things are easier to deal with! I know I'm not cured and I will forever be an alocholic! But I love being SOBER!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! No more waking up feeling horrible! No more worrying about driving drunk! I got a lot more cash in the bank! LOL I have won the battle but I'm still fighting strong and will win the war! Thank you! Going to get my phone set up again so I can update from my phone!
I've thought about getting myself tested for ADD. For example, I've been on the computer for the last hour checking e-mail and reading blogs. I love reading about you, but I really should be preparing for school tomorrow.
I guess I'm trying to convey that I get it, and, pertaining to some of your older posts, I'm going to start listening to God a little more, since God is the master planner. So, thanks for that.
FYI -- down here in Houston, 90 meetings in 90 days means going to a meeting EVERY day for 90 days. We can't miss a day and then make up for it.
I know that may not seem like a big deal, but it's all about committment. Anyway, best of luck and I'll continue to read about your progress.
In 1974, when I came into the fellowship, hopeless and helpless, I was able to make one meetng a week. Never even heard of 90 in 90. Got nothing against it. So long as nobody tells me you can't stay sober and become happy, serene, and be mostly at peace UNLESS you do 90 in 90!!!
Psssst, I did 13 meetings in 90 days! Still here, still sober. Ask anyone if I ain't HAPPY!?!? Sure I'm crazy also.
This is not about a discussion on DOING or NOT doing the "new" 90 in 90 thing. This is declaring or implying that there is ONLY ONE WAY TO STAY SOBER, become happy and work the Steps.
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